The all-in-one pool cleaner
The Hammer Head™ pool cleaner is the ultimate in carefree operation. It comes fully assembled. Just add the seal and connect the hoses. No tools required and you’re on cruise control in minutes. It even comes with a free fl ow gauge and adjustable speed control to ensure optimum performance.
- No bags or compartments to empty or replace, dirt and debris go right to your fi ltration equipment, where they belong.
- No wheels or gears to jam or diaphragms to replace
- No expensive booster pump to buy and operate…it uses your pool’s existing fi ltration system.
- Only one operational moving part…only 8 parts in total.
- All parts are UV stable and chemical resistant for years of dependable service.
- Sleek, compact design increases maneuverability for best cleaning performance.
- Backed by the largest pool equipment company in the world.
- 3 year limited warranty.Terms and conditions apply.
Data sheets & brochures
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HammerHead Brochure English 2.13MB Product manuals & guides
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Hammerhead Owners Manual English 1.33MB Replacement parts
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HammerHead Spare Parts English 595.90KB Troubleshooting & FAQs
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